Eskimo Controversy
Question: (Human)
Dear Sir or Madam
Below is the search that came up while I was using the computer for research. This is your ad on the search engine. I became interested and did a little research about the Eskimo meaning eaters of raw fish.
Please recheck your sources as my research shows Eskimo means Eater Of Raw "Flesh" not Fish.
Controversies - Is A Raw Diet Dangerous?
... the modern
diet that the notion of eating or feeding raw
meat, for example, is ... The name
Eskimo means eater of raw fish. ...
Thank you for bringing that to our attention.
Our research shows it actually doesn't mean either - the word eskipo in Cree means eater of raw meat, but the word Eskimo actually means "snowshoe-netter" or "lacing of a snowshoe."
Since there seems to be debate on it, we are just going to remove the statement from our literature. The point still remains: the natural diet is raw.