Comparing Pet Foods
Wow! Incredible research and information! I only wish the pet food company's name were not "X" out! I am truly curious but I will admit that I don't have the time or where with all at this time to follow up with such a quite extensive study on my own! I am wondering if you would provide simply a list of those companies surveyed? I realize that for identity purposes you have protected their names with regards to the answers but what about just the list of those who were interviewed? I would be much obliged if you could give me a starting point because I wouldn't mind making some inquiries on my own but need a jump board starting point. More than 15 yrs ago I used your food when my wolf hybrid got cancer. I only wish I started her on Wysong as then she may not have gotten sick in the first place. I first found your food on the shelves if I remember correctly at the Arcata Cooperative in California. It has been nearly 15 years since I had a dog again as believe it or not my heart was ripped apart watching her health deteriorate and then pass. I absolutely think you folks are the best and would be very interested in getting your food and name out in my community. I have a couple veterinarians locally in mind that would be very much interested in having your food in their practice available. Thank you for all you do! Keep those articles and literature coming.
Thank you for your nice letter.
That chart was prepared many years ago. It probably would not be fair at this point to identify the companies as they may have changed relevant to the criteria.
The chart can still be useful by simply applying the criteria to any current company.